

October 2019 Pastors Conference

October 2019 Pastors Conference

It’s time to give Jesus a huge hallelujah! CRSSM’s third pastoral training conference was an incredible answer to prayer! We had the honor of bringing together approximately 170 pastors and ministry leaders from all over Costa Rica, and we were delighted to see their...

Introducing Eric Lopez

Introducing Eric Lopez

Pilon de Pavones, Costa Rica — CRSSM is thankful to share the joy of God’s continued provision with the addition of Pastor Eric Lopez.A native of San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica, Pastor Lopez has a passionate desire to see the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth...

Outreach: March 4-10, 2016

Outreach: March 4-10, 2016

Last week marked the beginning of the 2016 CRSSM outreaches, and we couldn’t have had a more Holy Spirit-filled launch! Spanning a period of six days, our four events focused on ministry through visiting various semi-local churches. At each church, our team was...

Zoe Contreras Interviews CRSSM

Zoe Contreras Interviews CRSSM

CRSSM had the privilege of being guests on Zoe Contreras’ radio program Hablando a Tu Corazón (Talking to Your Heart) on Radio Mi Fortaleza. Adriana Santini interpreted as Zoe asked Annie Kilroy and Chris & Tiffany Nesbitt to share the vision for the school and...

CRSSM Gains Adriana Santini

CRSSM Gains Adriana Santini

In yet another display of God’s abundant provision, Adriana Santini has joined CRSSM, bringing to the ministry a tremendous tool box of life skills and experience. “Adriana learned that a few of us had a need for a Spanish tutor several months back,” recalls Chris...

CRSSM Named Best of the Best by Worship Leader Magazine

CRSSM Named Best of the Best by Worship Leader Magazine

CRSSM’s School of Worship has been selected as an editor’s pick for the 2015 Worship Leader Magazine Best of the Best Issue!The prestigious list compiled annually by Worship Leader Magazine features a variety of categories including music, books, devotionals,...

Anne Kilroy is on Board!

Anne Kilroy is on Board!

It’s official. CRSSM is excited to share that Anne Kilroy is joining our team as Director of Discipleship. Anne has been involved in this ministry from it’s early stages but has now answered the call to serve full time. “For years I’ve longed to see something like...

CRSSM Welcomes the Simons

CRSSM Welcomes the Simons

We are thrilled to announce the addition of the Simons family to our team at CRSSM! Since 2005 the Simons family, Jeffrey, Sylvia, Kaleb and Isabella, have been faithfully serving the unreached people groups of Southern Mexico from their base in Oaxaca. Now they have...

The Homecoming

The Homecoming

His name was Jose. We had been trekking through the border town of Paso Canoas, a bustling hive of activity straddling the border of Costa Rica and Panama. Merchants avidly hawked their wares as travelers plunked down colones for electronics, dry goods, and the latest...

May Outreach: Gary Doughty

May Outreach: Gary Doughty

It was a privilege to be a part of the mission team in May. A few things (out of many) stand out: The opportunity to do street evangelism in the border town was awesome. Sandie and I got to witness and minister to a young man who was running from God. His father, who...

Around the Bend

Around the Bend

The rented van bumped along the rural thoroughfare, twisting sharply to avoid potholes and oversized rocks blocking the path. Our journey led down one of Costa Rica’s improved dirt roads, packed tight with a layer of gravel that would gradually erode over the upcoming...

Lighthouse March 2015

Lighthouse March 2015

March 8 Last night ministered to youth church of about 50. Great Costa Rican worship followed by Mammoth team leading worship. Short message and a couple of testimonies followed by prophetic words, words of knowledge and prayer time. Guess who came to the party in...

March Outreach Highlights: Matt Zurbriggen

March Outreach Highlights: Matt Zurbriggen

Jungle church March 10: students3We prayed for a young man with knee pain. He was just before getting surgery. So we prayed for Him and he got healed. He stretched His knee and bended, it was almost scary ☺ Hospital March 13: We got to pray for so many men and...

March Outreach Highlights: Marlene Zurbriggen

March Outreach Highlights: Marlene Zurbriggen

March 13, 2015 – Outreach in Public Hospital in Neily Our group was in the men’s section (miracle that we were even allowed in the hospital). – One man’s eyesight got better. – One man had both his sisters and his brother as visitors and we were able to pray for all...