by Chris Nesbitt | Oct 12, 2015 | blog
We are thrilled to announce the addition of the Simons family to our team at CRSSM! Since 2005 the Simons family, Jeffrey, Sylvia, Kaleb and Isabella, have been faithfully serving the unreached people groups of Southern Mexico from their base in Oaxaca. Now they have... by Chris Nesbitt | Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Su nombre era José. Habíamos estado caminando por la ciudad fronteriza de Paso Canoas, una bulliciosa colmena de actividad a caballo entre la frontera de Costa Rica y Panamá. Los comerciantes vendían ávidamente sus productos mientras los viajeros buscaban colones para... by Chris Nesbitt | Jun 1, 2015 | blog
His name was Jose. We had been trekking through the border town of Paso Canoas, a bustling hive of activity straddling the border of Costa Rica and Panama. Merchants avidly hawked their wares as travelers plunked down colones for electronics, dry goods, and the latest... by Chris Nesbitt | May 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Fue un privilegio ser parte del equipo de la misión en mayo. Algunas cosas (de muchas) se destacan: La oportunidad de hacer evangelismo callejero en la ciudad fronteriza fue increíble. Sandie y yo pudimos testificar y ministrar a un joven que huía de Dios. Su padre,... by Chris Nesbitt | May 27, 2015 | blog
It was a privilege to be a part of the mission team in May. A few things (out of many) stand out: The opportunity to do street evangelism in the border town was awesome. Sandie and I got to witness and minister to a young man who was running from God. His father, who...
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