Pastoral Equipping

In May of 2016, CANOPI hosted its first informal “leaders advance” in Pilon de Pavones, Costa Rica. Since then, we’ve remained focused on supporting and uniting leaders through pastoral equipping opportunities such as conferences and unity tables.


CANOPI provides pastoral equipping conferences for pastors and ministry leaders at no cost. Most conferences are 1-2 days of intense training sessions, usually on a Friday and Saturday. Every conference is launched with worship and features prayer and prophetic ministry for the pastors. They are also invited to register with CANOPI, which allows us to contact them about future events. The sessions, taught by Chris and Tiffany Nesbitt, focus on imparting these priorities:

  • Replacing church-building mindsets and actions with Kingdom-building mindsets and actions
  • Breaking free from unscriptural cultural and historical traditions and returning to Biblical models
  • Raising up harvest workers and thinking apostolically
  • Uniting with other pastors in these efforts

Unity Table

In less populated or rural areas, the Holy Spirit has highlighted a strategy which we believe yields greater and more lasting fruit than traditional conferences. A “unity table” is simply an intimate meeting around a table. In our experience, these Unity Table meetings are more strategically suited for fostering relationships, sharing hearts and building trust and unity, especially in rural regions.


In any new region, our first priority is to identify a Kingdom-minded pastor who carries a burden for unity. We then partner with this pastor to host either a conference or a series of Unity Table meetings. Regardless of the format, pastoral equipping is accomplished as we work together in unity.

After the event, pastors are encouraged to continue taking practical steps to walk in unity through fellowship and discipleship, serving each others’ ministries and interceding for one another. The objective is for each newfound coalition of pastors to increase in number and scope, as additional pastors are challenged to move beyond church-building paradigms into Kingdom-building convictions.

If you are a Latin American pastor with a heart for revival, unity and building the Kingdom, perhaps a conference or a Unity Table event would be of interest to you. If so, we’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at

Register with CANOPI

Register here if you have attended a CANOPI conference or you’d like to be informed the next time we’re offering an event in your area. We’ll keep you updated on pastoral equipping opportunities and notify you about any other pertinent CANOPI events.

pastoral equipping
pastoral equipping unity table guatemala city 2022
pastoral equipping - Unity Table Guatemala City 2022