Pilon de Pavones, Costa Rica — CRSSM is thankful to share the joy of God’s continued provision with the addition of Pastor Eric Lopez.

A native of San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica, Pastor Lopez has a passionate desire to see the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth in the hearts of his fellow Ticos. That passion is evident in every part of Eric’s life and is underscored by the testimony of his own dramatic conversion from darkness to light over 22 years ago. “To know Pastor Eric is to love him,” admits Chris Nesbitt. “He brings so much to this ministry. He has a very clear apostolic and prophetic anointing, and the Lord also uses him mightily for healing and deliverance.”
Eric spent the last 20 years as an itinerant teacher/pastor in Costa Rica, which deepened his maturity spiritually and connected him relationally with scores of pastors across the nation. Those relationships have formed the foundation for CRSSM outreaches over the past year. Since March 2015, Eric has been working as an interpreter and liaison for the ministry’s outreach teams. “Pastor Eric carries the joyful, loving, powerful presence of God,” shares Steve Hertzog. “He’s running the race as a true servant and laid-down lover of Jesus.” Chris adds, “He’s an excellent linguist, and his wit and humor — in any language — keep us in stitches!”

The Hertzogs met Pastor Eric in a hardware store and immediately recognized the divine appointment, inviting him to their home and sharing their heart and vision for Costa Rica and CRSSM. “I believe this ministry has come to Costa Rica as part of a new beginning for our churches,” shares Pastor Eric. “I’m expecting a revival in my country!” CRSSM couldn’t be happier with the team God has put together, and is grateful for Eric Lopez in particular. Steve relates, “I’m proud and honored to call him friend and ministry partner.” Read more about Pastor Eric, his background and his role with CRSSM on our website under About.