In yet another display of God’s abundant provision, Adriana Santini has joined CRSSM, bringing to the ministry a tremendous tool box of life skills and experience. “Adriana learned that a few of us had a need for a Spanish tutor several months back,” recalls Chris Nesbitt, “and she immediately jumped in and started serving. Through that experience the Lord knit our hearts to hers, and we are thrilled to have her as an integral part of the team.” An enthusiastic self-starter with excellent people skills and years of sales experience, Adriana is a perfect match for the Director of Development position. Additionally, she is proficient in strategic planning and analytical evaluation, a boon for CRSSM administratively. Experienced in working with multi-cultural teams, Adriana is fluent in Spanish, and she brings to the organization the spiritual gifts of administration, leadership, and hospitality. “God has been prompting me to step out in faith for some time now and say ‘yes’ to Him,” shares Adriana. “I am excited to walk this journey with others who have taken the same leap of faith.” A resident of San Clemente, California since 2011, Adriana attends Heritage Christian Fellowship where she serves in the children’s ministry, helps facilitate women’s Bible studies, and co-leads a community group with her husband, Rob. Having been involved in global ministry since 1987, she and Rob have served in Peru, Honduras, Mexico, Belgium, Hungary, Kenya, and the Indian reservations of South Dakota and New Mexico. Together they are passionate about helping others learn about the freedom found in Jesus Christ. Adriana’s role will keep her primarily in the US, as she takes on several administrative duties while managing development. “Adriana is a gifted and multi-tasking lover of Jesus,” relates Steve Hertzog. “She lights up her surroundings as she pours out the love and joy of Jesus wherever she goes.”
Christian Alliance Network for Outreach and Pastoral Impact