Covering. Equipping. Uniting.
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Latin America is transforming right before our eyes

Imagine what the world might look like when Latin America becomes fully alive in Christ. This is what CANOPI is envisioning, declaring and working toward.

Christian Alliance Network for Outreach and Pastoral Impact (CANOPI) is a nonprofit organization pursuing Kingdom expansion in Latin America. Our mission is to equip and unite Kingdom-minded pastors and leaders in preparation for hosting revival in the nations.

And the LORD will create over the whole habitation of mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for over all the glory shall be spread a canopy. Isaiah 4:5

CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry

Pastoral Conferences

CANOPI has been equipping Latin American pastors since 2016, when we held our first leaders advance in Pilon de Pavones, Costa Rica. Whether it be an intimate “unity table” gathering or a large conference, the focus remains on equipping and uniting pastors throughout Latin America.

With invitations to every nation in Central America and beyond, CANOPI is poised for rapid expansion in the area of pastoral equipping.

School of Ministry

Are You Prepared to be a Fisher of Men?


Whether called to missions, church leadership or the marketplace, CANOPI offers Spirit-filled students the opportunity to receive hands-on mission and ministry training, leadership development and discipleship in a multi-cultural environment. Our school of ministry is designed to produce passionate Kingdom builders while impacting the local region for Christ. Our students receive in-depth teaching, discipleship and one-on-one mentoring, moving them deeper in their spiritual growth, while at the same time being provided with hands-on ministry opportunities on a frequent basis.

Join our Team

We’re looking for missions-minded Jesus lovers with serious skills. Whether you’re a full-time missionary, a marketplace specialist or a student looking for an internship — chances are pretty high that we need what you carry.

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Link Arms with us

Jesus transforms everything—lives, families, communities and nations. And yet, more than 330 million people in Latin America know nothing about Jesus. At CANOPI, we’re investing everything into change that reality. Your support will enable CANOPI to help reverse the trajectory of millions who do not yet know Him. Will you stand with us at this pivotal moment?

We’d love to hear from you!

If you have questions or would like more information, send us an email. Thanks for your interest!

CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry
CANOPI costa rica pastors conference school of ministry